When someone with Aspergers
feels misinterpreted,
or embarrassed, or wrong,
or right, or or tired, or hungry,
or alive...
They can argue their point
to enlighten you
and won't stop
until they will.
ps. don't respond with any emotion.
only logic will soothe the thirst of a marathon dispenser of logic and reason and scientific analysis and... Thank God For, and Curse You :Google!
ps. I silently cheer for myself when my cleverness, or silence, stops the verbal flow from overpowering, because I have been polishing my Shield of Smarts and my Armour of It's Not Personal. Plus, I am being frank about explaining how being right is not always the most important part of a relationship, or living in a family unit. Hmmmm, they say. They are considering it, and I see them trying to understand there are times when graceful concessions are beautiful offerings of caring. Gosh, it's gorgeous when they do it.
ps. and that has happened at an increasing rate! Happy Mothers Day Me!
When someone with Aspergers
wants to show they care
they change the operating system
on your computer as a surprise,
or follow you around the house
singing the numerical sign of pi,
or having seen you laugh at a scene
from the IT Crowd
that you showed them bits of
because it is a possible flash of their future
and hilarious,
they then repeat it over and over
and over and over and over
and over and over and over and over
finding it equally funny every time,
so of course you will too!
because you laughed!
ps. it was the scene from the IT Crowd where Moss sings the new Emergency Number 0118999881999119725 3, and it was the fun of the day to memorize for the boys.
ps. I now know the number too, from shear osmotic repetition. Happy Mothers Day Me!
When you want to laugh and melt
because you love someone with Aspergers,
think of the sweetest thing about them,
adorable and fantastic in their singular way.
ps. like yesterday, Davis went to a birthday party. Which is rare. So it was important. To me.
He asked if he could make something on the stove. I assumed he meant for himself. I said, "Sure, what?" "I don't know yet", he said.
He figured it out. He mixed bacon bits and BBQ sauce in a pot, simmering gently. When I came back into the kitchen he had put it into a round plastic container with a green lid. He was pleased with his birthday present for his friend's 10th birthday. Because, you see, Davis loves to cook. He loves to eat. He shows he cares by making things for you that he likes. And he likes bacon. And BBQ. (We were obviously low on groceries and time) We also bought his friend a gift certificate for EB Games, so we put both in the colourful Happy Birthday bag. At the party Davis was sure to intensely explain the possible ways to prepare and eat the well intentioned brown bumpy sludge - cold or hot, on pasta or rice, or on its own.....
The birthday boy's family are long time friends of ours; it was all quite sweet, and absurdly memorable.
ps. and I smiled with crinkly eyes. Because the pure kindness of Davis at his core is clear and true, and hard to see sometimes... and I can be blind...
And I am I ever lucky. Happy Mothers Day Me!
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